I did it!
I accomplished that thing I’ve wanted to do since I was a little girl. That thing that had teenage Karen bicycling to the library on a regular basis to read Writer’s Digest magazine and every writing book she could get her hands on. That thing that has grown-up Karen carving out time while the kids are sleeping or otherwise occupied to sit in front of a laptop and type, type, type.
I’ve written a novel.
All of it. And edited it and sent it off to a publisher. All in time to meet a very tight contest deadline. As you might guess, I’m celebrating the accomplishment, whether this novel gets published or not (though of course, I hope it does).
A big thank you to all the friends and family who have been and continue to be a source of help and encouragement. You know who you are, and you’re the best!
Now… if I get “the call” from an editor, saying she wants to publish my book… well, that would be the icing on the cake. Since this book was entered in Harlequin’s Killer Voices contest for Inspirational Romantic Suspense novels, I should be hearing something, sometime between now and August 8th. The suspense is killing me. (Ha ha!)
I’m hoping it’ll be good news.
I’ve also started digging into my sorely neglected to-be-read pile, and brainstorming ideas for my next novel. Oh, and blogging again. 😉
Major congratulations, Karen, and I hope you’ll be hearing the good news soon!
Thanks Alexa!