Christian Fiction Book Club Connection, April 2015

Book Club Connection

Welcome to the April 2015 edition of the Christian Fiction Book Club Connection. Thanks for stopping by. Whether you’re a pastor or ministry leader thinking of forming a book discussion group at your church, a current member of a book club, or simply a fan of Christian fiction hoping to connect with other readers, you’re in the right place!

This month’s post includes a featured book that I think is well suited to discussion, as well as links to upcoming online discussions. Then I’ll wrap up the post with a discussion question I’d like YOU to chime in on.

Featured Read

Title: Cloak of the Light
Author: Chuck Black
Publisher: WaterBrook Multnomah
Publication Date: March 2014
Genre: Young Adult Speculative Fiction
Series: Wars of the Realm #1

The publisher’s description asks, “What if…there was a world beyond our vision, a world just fingertips beyond our reach? What if…our world wasn’t beyond their influence?” I reviewed this book over at the Edgy Inspirational Romance blog a while ago, and just finished reading book 2 in the series (Rise of the Fallen) this past week (review coming soon). For today, I just wanted to mention this series for the book groups because I think it raises some interesting questions about spiritual warfare that could make for an interesting discussion. There’s also a Reader’s Guide that addresses issues raised in the book from a Biblical viewpoint. While I haven’t found discussion questions specifically tailored for this book, I do think there’s plenty to talk about.

Quick Links: About the Book | My Review | Goodreads | Author’s Web Site

Online Discussions

The ACFW Book Club‘s April selection is Hawk (Quiet Professionals #2) by Ronie Kendig, with discussion scheduled to begin April 25th. You can subscribe to the group’s e-mail list now, by following the instructions on their Web site, to be sure not to miss any announcements or discussion questions.

For April, the Christian Fiction Devourers group on Goodreads is discussing With Every Letter (Wings of the Nightingale #1) by Sarah Sundin AND With Every Breath by Elizabeth Camden. Grab your copies and head on over to the discussion forum to check in with others who are in the midst of reading these books.

The Fans of Christian Romance Goodreads group is reading The Butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron for its April discussion.

For fans of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, Jamie of the Books and Beverages blog hosts a monthly Inklings discussion series. Sometimes fiction, sometimes non-fiction, the title for the month of April is The Two Towers (Lord of the Rings #2) by J.R.R. Tolkien. Discussion is scheduled to begin on April 15.

The #HedlundChallenge2015 features discussion of one of author Jody Hedlund’s historical fiction novels each month. The discussion is hosted in alternating months by Jamie of Books and Beverages and Cassie of Bookshelves and Windows. For April, participants will be discussing Captured by Love (Michigan Brides #3) at Jamie’s blog beginning April 28th (discussion details here and here).

Let’s Chat!

One of my favorite aspects of participating in a book group is the incentive to try out a book I might never have read otherwise. It’s particularly nice when that book turns out to be a gem, and maybe introduces me to a new favorite author. But the beauty of trying new authors/genres/titles with a group is that even if I don’t care for the book, there’s still the discussion to look forward to and the opportunity to see what others saw in it!

Is there a book or an author you first read through participation in a book group that became a new favorite? Or expanded your reading horizons, perhaps by introducing you to a new genre or style of writing? Or maybe one that you didn’t like so well, but still enjoyed the discussion? Please tell us about it!  :)

2 thoughts on “Christian Fiction Book Club Connection, April 2015

  1. My church book club, Page Turners, is a diverse bunch. We have varied tastes, so it is often hard to find a book that we all like. We read The Aviator’s Wife last year (a fictionalized account of Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s life). I would not have chosen this book for myself, but I did enjoy it. It also generated a lot of discussion. It seems as if our best discussions often occur when we are split between the likes and dislikes. This group has prompted me to read outside my reading box and I have really enjoyed it.

    Thanks so much for this monthly post. I have discovered some great books and I always enjoy the comments shared.

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