Welcome to the March 2016 edition of the Christian Fiction Book Club Connection. Thanks for stopping by! Whether you’re a pastor or ministry leader thinking of forming a book discussion group at your church, a current member of a book club, or simply a fan of Christian fiction hoping to connect with other readers, you’re in the right place. Please consider subscribing to my blog so you won’t miss future posts.
Today I’m providing information on Christian fiction discussions scheduled to take place around the web this month. I’m also featuring a handful of recently released Christian fiction titles for which a discussion guide is available, either included in the book itself or on the author’s or publisher’s web site.
Online Discussions Coming Up This Month
The ACFW Book Club‘s March selection is Finding Amanda by Robin Patchen. You can subscribe to the group’s e-mail list now, by following the instructions on their Web site, to be sure not to miss any announcements or discussion questions.
For March, the Christian Fiction Devourers group on Goodreads is discussing A Sound Among the Trees by Susan Meissner AND When Love Calls by Lorna Seilstad. Grab your copies and head on over to the discussion forum to check in with others who are in the midst of reading these books.
The Christian Book Lovers’ Hideaway group’s monthly discussions can be found on their Goodreads discussion page. They’ve extended their discussion of their February selection through March, so if you didn’t have a chance to read The Cross Examination of Oliver Finney by Randy Singer yet, there’s still time.
The Fans of Amish Fiction Goodreads group discusses one Amish fiction title and one Christian fiction title per month. The selections for March are A Widow’s Hope by Mary Ellis AND Tomorrow’s Sun by Becky Melby. To join in, visit the group’s online discussion board.
Jamie of the Books and Beverages blog hosts a monthly Inklings discussion series for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Sometimes fiction, sometimes non-fiction, the title for the month of March is A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War by Joseph Loconte. Discussion is scheduled for March 16, 2016.
The Christian Fiction Book Club, and the Fans of Christian Romance Goodreads group are taking breaks from discussion for the time being.
Recent Christian Fiction Releases Featuring Discussion Guides
Calico Spy by Margaret Brownley (January 2016, Shiloh Run Press, Historical Romance)
Return to Paradise by Barbara Cameron (February 2016, Abingdon Press, Amish)
Keeper of the Stars by Robin Lee Hatcher (January 2016, Thomas Nelson, Contemporary Romance)
You’re the One That I Want by Susan May Warren (February 2016, Tyndale House, Contemporary Romance)
The Confessions of X by Suzanne M Wolfe (January 2016, Thomas Nelson, Historical)
So, friends, what have you been reading lately? Any titles you’d recommend for book club discussions?
I am currently reading The Prophetess by Jill Eileen Smith. This book has made Deborah, Barak, Jael and even Lappidoth real to me. Besides the compelling story, this one would be great for a book club because of the opportunity to compare it to the Biblical record and draw parallels with contemporary life.
Thanks, Karen, for highlighting great Christian fiction.
Beckie, thanks for the suggestion. The Prophetess does sound like a good read, and I like the discussion questions the publisher has on its Web site. I just finished reading On This Foundation by Lynn Austin. Another good Biblical fiction title that puts Old Testament stories into cultural context, so I definitely get what you mean about making the characters feel real.